Veronica Cheann
Artist statement
Veronica has a bachelor degree of material based art in Khio. Her medium are jewelry and installation. She is interested in everydays organic materials, and their implication of ephemerality and the concept of constant transformation of organic matter. Rice, flour & charcoal are often used, & themes like personal identity and cultural experiences are explored through materials. In her most current works, Veronica started to play with the ideas of individualism, deep time, & free will in her theme.
Veronica grew up in Hong Kong. She studied and worked in the United State before settled down in Norway.
She also works as a landscapes architect besides art.
Aktuelle ustillinger
Kollektive utstillinger:
2021 «Smykke Revyen», Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst.
«2021Beijing International Jewellery Art Exhibition». Juried utstilling.
2020 «Norwegian Bling», Galleri Sorgenfri, Oslo
«PULS » Kunsthallen i Nesoddparken. Juryert utstilling.
2019 «Åpen Kunsthall», Kunsthall, Oslo.
«2019 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition «. Juryert utstilling.
«Marzee International Graduate Show 2019 «, Galerie Marzee. Juryert utstilling.
«Ek-Kinesis: Jewelry School, Start Ups for New Artists», Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athen Jewellery week.
«Knust og Hærverk» avgangsutstillingen for bachelor i medium- og materialbasert kunst, Seilduken Galleri KHIO, Oslo
2022- Diversestipend
2020- Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere
2016- 2019 Bachelorgrad i medium- og materialbasert kunst, fagområde metall- og smykkekunst, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
2021 «Smykke Revyen», Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst.
«2021Beijing International Jewellery Art Exhibition». Juried utstilling.
2020 «Norwegian Bling», Galleri Sorgenfri, Oslo
«PULS » Kunsthallen i Nesoddparken. Juryert utstilling.
2019 «Åpen Kunsthall», Kunsthall, Oslo.
«2019 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition «. Juryert utstilling.
«Marzee International Graduate Show 2019 «, Galerie Marzee. Juryert utstilling.
«Ek-Kinesis: Jewelry School, Start Ups for New Artists», Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athen Jewellery week.
«Knust og Hærverk» avgangsutstillingen for bachelor i medium- og materialbasert kunst, Seilduken Galleri KHIO, Oslo
2022- Diversestipend
2020- Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere
2016- 2019 Bachelorgrad i medium- og materialbasert kunst, fagområde metall- og smykkekunst, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.